

我已經迫不及待想看過它的上一部(Before Sunrise, 愛在黎明破曉時)

*Movie review by MINUTE-Yam

「一個女人的一生,濃縮在一天中。只有一天。而那短短的一天,就是她的一生。」在一天裡,窺見一個人的一生-《達洛維夫人》與《時時刻刻》的結構,在《愛在日落巴黎時》裡頭重現。短短七十七分鐘巴黎街頭的漫遊與對話之中,我們看見了傑西與席琳的一生:童年時光,曾經的年少輕狂,面對現實人生的無奈,以及對靈魂伴侶的想望。 甚至,我們可以這樣說:《愛在日落巴黎時》其實呈現出了世間男女生命的浮光掠影。不經意地,你會為電影中小小的一個片段所觸動,因而翻出塵封已久的某片回憶,或是陷入對人生態度的反思之中。




「這麼久以來我一直好想和妳說話,但現在…卻覺得很不真實。」可不是嗎?九年來只存在記憶裡的那個人如今重新出現在你面前;但你卻不禁開始懷疑:你一直以來心心念念的那個人的形貌,究竟有幾分真實,又有幾分是經年累月不知不覺添加於其上的浪漫想像?像許久不見的老朋友一般,傑西和席琳互相詢問近況,像拼拼圖一般慢慢拼湊出對方九年來的生活。第一片拼圖,兩人不約而同地挑了最安全的話題-工作。傑西的書,席琳服務的環保組織…「Oh, com'on, 別再講這些無關緊要的話題了吧?」觀眾心裡可能會這麼想。「萬一我們兩個今晚就會死,我們還會談論你的書?環境議題…?」的確,其實他們倆心裡都明白,這短短一個下午的難得相聚,有太多太多更想要傾訴的情懷。然而現實讓他們變得謹慎,只要稍一不慎碰觸到的比較深刻的話題,兩人便很有默契地開個玩笑帶過。但是每一次刺到心中痛處的對話,每一個多停留了一秒的凝視,都加深了與對方更加貼近的渴望。終於,在兩人腳步放慢,搭上了船、坐上了車之後,迂迴的試探換成了直截了當的坦白-委屈,懊悔,怨懟-全都如潰堤般傾湧而出。原來,當年無知地以為僅是場異國冒險的浪漫情緣,竟未隨著時間褪色,反倒成為彼此生命中最燦爛,最接近真愛的時刻。這領悟遲來得多麼苦澀,多麼不堪?傑西自述的那個夢境尤其令人為之黯然心碎:







Memorable Quotes from
Before Sunset (2004)

Celine: Do I look any different?
[long pause]
Celine: I do?
Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.
Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.
Jesse: You see?

Celine: [Celine's song] Let me sing you a waltz / Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts / Let me sing you a waltz / About this one night stand / You were, for me, that night / Everything I always dreamt of in life / But now you're gone / You are far gone / All the way to your island of rain / It was for you just a one night thing / But you were much more to me, just so you know / I don't care what they say / I know what you meant for me that day / I just want another try, I just want another night / Even if it doesn't seem quite right / You meant for me much more than anyone I've met before / One single night with you, little Jesse, is worth a thousand with anybody / I have no bitterness, my sweet / I'll never forget this one night thing / Even tomorrow in other arms, my heart will stay yours until I die / Let me sing you a waltz / Out of nowhere, out of my blues / Let me sing you a waltz / About this lovely one night stand

Celine: Memory's a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.

[first lines]
Journalist #1: Do you consider the book to be autobiographical?
Jesse: Uh, well, I mean... isn't everything autobiographical?

[last lines]
Celine: Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.
Jesse: I know.

Jesse: In the months heading up to my wedding, I was thinking of you.

Celine: Were you there in Vienna, in December?

Jesse: [about his marriage] I feel like I'm running a small nursery with someone I used to date.

Jesse: I'm designed to feel slightly dissatisfied!

Celine: Memories are wonderful things, if you don't have to deal with the past.

Jesse: Okay, I realize there are a lot of serious problems in the world.
Celine: Okay, thank you.
Jesse: Okay. I mean, I don't even have one publisher in the whole Asian market.

Celine: An imperialist country can use that kind of thinking to justify their economic greed, you know. I - human rights...
Jesse: Is there any particular imperialist country you have in mind, there, Frenchie?
Celine: Mmm, no, not really...

Jesse: Maybe what I'm saying is, is the world might be evolving the way a person evolves. Right? Like, I mean, me for example. Am I getting worse? Am I improving? I don't know. When I was younger, I was healthier, but I was, uh, whacked with insecurity, you know? Now I'm older and my problems are deeper, but I'm more equipped to handle them.

Celine: One night I heard some noise on my fire excape, so I called 911. And the cops came eventually...
Jesse: Yeah like three hours later.
Celine: [laughing] Yeah, after I had been raped and killed about 10 times.

Jesse: [describing how she looks different] Skinnier, I think. A little thinner.
Celine: Did you think I was fat before?
Jesse: [laughing] No!
Celine: Yeah, you thought I was a fatty. No, you thought I was a fatty! Yeah, you, you wrote a book about a fat French girl!
Jesse: No, listen...
Celine: [laughing] Oh, no...
Jesse: Seriously, all right, you look beautiful.

Jesse: Life's hard. It's supposed to be. If we didn't suffer, we'd never learn anything.

Celine: It's amazing what perverts we've become in the past nine years.

Jesse: At least now we don't have to pretend that each new sexual experience is a life-altering event.
Celine: I know. By now, you know, you've stuck it in so many places, it's like about to fall off.
Jesse: Yeah, you know, and I can't realistically expect that you've become anything but a total ho, at this point.
Celine: Yeah, thank you.

Jesse: So what kind of songs do you write? I didn't know you did that.
Celine: What kind?
Jesse: Yeah, sure.
Celine: I don't know, just songs.
Jesse: Like?
Celine: Like, some are about, you know, people, uh, relationships. One's about my cat.
Jesse: Sing one.
Celine: No, I can't, I don't have a guitar.
Jesse: Oh, co- come on. A cappella.
Celine: No, no, no. I'm not singing a song without a guitar. You're nuts!
Jesse: Why not? It's...
Celine: No, okay. Not now. No.
Jesse: One.
Celine: No.
Jesse: If not now, when? Wanna meet here in six months with a guitar? You know, I'll fly all the way over here, you may or may not make the metro...
Celine: [laughing] Okay, that's funny.

Jesse: Do you have kids?
Celine: Yes, two -
Celine: Shit!
Jesse: What?
Celine: I left them in the car! With the windows rolled up! It was six months ago! Think they're okay?

Celine: Tell him to pick you up at Quai Henri Quatre.
Jesse: Oh, shit. K-kay...
Celine: Henri Quatre. Quai...
Jesse: K-k-k...
Celine: Henri Quatre.
Jesse: [laughing] On...
Celine: What's wrong with you? No, do you want be to - Henri Quatre.
Jesse: Henry Four?
Celine: Yes.
Jesse: Come one, why didn't you say so.
Celine: [laughing] I'm sorry, okay?

Jesse: I heard this story once about when the Germans were occupying Paris and they had to retreat back. They wired Notre Dame to blow, but they had to leave one guy in charge of hitting the switch. And the guy, the soldier, he couldn't do it. You know, he just sat there, knocked out by how beautiful the place was. And then when the allied troops came in, they found all the explosives just lying there and the switch unturned, and they found the same thing at Sacre Couer, Eiffel Tower. Couple other places I think...
Celine: Is that true?
Jesse: I don't know. I always liked the story, though.

Jesse: You want to know why I wrote that stupid book?
Celine: Why?
Jesse: So that you might come to a reading in Paris and I could walk up to you and ask, "Where the fuck were you?"
Celine: [laughing] No - you thought I'd be here today?
Jesse: I'm serious. I think I wrote it, in a way, to try to find you.
Celine: Okay, that's - I know that's not true, but that's sweet of you to say.
Jesse: I think it is true.

Jesse: What do you think were the chances of us ever meeting again?
Celine: After that December, I'd say almost zero. But we're not real anyway, right? We're just, uh, characters in that old lady's dream. She's on her deathbed, fantasizing about her youth. So of course we had to meet again.

Jesse: Oh, God, why weren't you there, in Vienna?
Celine: I told you why.
Jesse: Well, I know why, I just - I wish you would have been. Our lives might have been so much different.
Celine: You think so?
Jesse: I actually do.
Celine: Maybe not. Maybe, we would have hated each other eventually.
Jesse: Oh what, like we hate each other now?
Celine: You know, maybe we're - we're only good at brief encounters, walking around in European cities in warm climate.

Jesse: Oh, God, why didn't we exchange phone numbers and stuff? Why didn't we do that?
Celine: Because we were young and stupid.
Jesse: Do you think we still are?
Celine: I guess when you're young, you just believe there'll be many people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.
Jesse: And you can screw it up, you know, misconnect.

Celine: The past is the past. It was meant to be that way.
Jesse: What, you really believe that? That everything's fated?
Celine: Well, you know, the world might be less free than we think.
Jesse: Yeah?
Celine: Yeah, when given these exact circumstances, that's what will happen every time: two part hydrogen, one part oxygen, you get water every time.
Jesse: No, no, I - I - I mean what if your grandmother had lived a week longer, or, you know, or passed away a week earlier, days even. You know things might have been different. I believe that.
Celine: You can't think like that, it's...
Jesse: No, I mean, I know you shouldn't on most things, but - It's just, on this one it seemed like something was off, you know?

Celine: So what's it like to be married? You haven't talked much about that.
Jesse: I haven't? How weird.

Jesse: I feel like if someone where to touch me, I'd dissolve into molecules.

Celine: So, I want to try something.
Jesse: What?
Celine: [hugs him] I want to see if you stay together or if you dissolve into molecules.
Jesse: How'm I doing?
Celine: Still here.
Jesse: Good, I like being here.

Celine: I love my kitty!
Jesse: What's his name?
Celine: Che.
Jesse: Che?
Celine: Mmm hmm.
Jesse: Uh huh...
Celine: What?
Jesse: Commie.

Celine: Do you think you would have finished your book if you were fucking someone every five minutes?
Jesse: I might have welcomed the challenge.

Celine: They enjoy the goal but not the process. But the reality of it is that the true work of improving things is in the little achievements of the day.

Celine: I see it in the people that do the real work, and what's sad in a way is that the people that are the most giving, hardworking, and capable of making this world better, usually don't have the ego and ambition to be a leader.

Celine: The concept is absurd. The idea that we can only be complete with another person is evil! Right?

Jesse: Okay, so you do believe in religion?
Celine: No, I don't think so.
Jesse: What about fate?
Celine: [shakes her head] Mm-mmm.
Jesse: God?
Celine: No.
Celine: But at the same time I don't want to be one of those people who don't believe in anything magical.
Jesse: So then, astrology.
Celine: Yes, of course! Now that makes total sense, right? You're a Capricorn, I'm a Sagittarius, that's why we get along so well!

Celine: You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details.

Celine: I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32.  

*看過這部電影的,讀到這些電影裡的對話,一定會有種意猶未盡的感覺,是吧?? :)

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